4557 View Jan 4, 2019 at 13:45

Top Cryptocurrency Communitites And Forums

If you happen to be a cryptocurrency enthusiast, chances are, that you are well versed with all the top crypto forums.

In case you aren’t aware of the top Cryptocurrency Communitites And Forums, we have a list ready for you.

Do you often find yourself willing to discuss the crypto market with fellow like minded individuals, but draw a blank when looking for them?

This list could then prove really useful for you.

From market news, to heated debates on which coin will rise and which will fare badly, these forums discuss everything.

Often, important news first surfaces on these forums, before they are picked up by prominent news agencies.

So gear up, let’s go through this list together.

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Top Cryptocurrency Communitites And Forums That You Should Know About

Bitcoin Forum

A place where all cryptocurrency enthusiasts congregrate virtually, this place is ideal for all things Bitcoin.

The platform operates in association with Bitcoin.org. It focuses primarily on Bitcoin, but also has a section on Altcoins.

It has various sections like on Bitcoin like Bitcoin news, development, technical discussions, and Bitcoin mining.

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Reddit is a fairly popular online forum for discussing anything under the sun.

Although it is not categorically limited to cryptocurrency discussions, a significant amount of crypto enthusiasts frequent the site.

Reddit has a system where users can upvote a particular question.  Questions with upvotes earn answers, while the admin team rejects questions with downvotes.

The online community is huge and is constantly growing.

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Bitcointalk Forum

The Bitcointalk Forum is by far one of the most popular cryptocurrency platforms. This community was created by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto.

Created back in 2011, the forum is still active and has conversations on the platform on a regular basis.

People discuss various things ranging from Bitcoin, altcoins, ICOs, tokens, and mining for other cryptocurrencies.

The platform also provides readers with information on new Initial Coin Offerings. It keeps the users up to date on most things happening in the market.

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Wondering where you can find the latest news on various Altcoins and ICOs. Cryptocurrencytalk is the place for you.

Users discuss everything ranging from prices, predictions, mining pools, new ICOs and various industry news.

It boasts an active user base of around fifty thousand making it a very popular place for cryptocurrency discussions.

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If you are on the internet most of the time, chances are that you already know about Quora.

It is a platform like Reddit that has discussions on everything from Bitcoins to breastfeeding. If you have questions, Quora is where you will find the answers.

It has an active user base of people discussing cryptocurrencies. Users can request specific people for answers to a particular question.

It does not have a system of vetting out redundant questions, so you can find answers to even the most basic questions on the platform.

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Sumedha Bose

Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.