Bill Gates and Tyler Winklevoss always find a way to

Bill Gates and Tyler Winklevoss always find a way to make it to the news in some way or the other. Recently, Bill Gates heaped praises on the Blockchain technology but at the same time condemned Bitcoin as he was of the opinion that this cryptocurrency helps criminals to go unnoticed and thus helps in escalating the crime rates in the world. Replying to this comment, Tyler Winklevoss, one of the earliest Bitcoin investors along with his twin brother, stated that there are multiple other ways or rather an easy way to short Bitcoin.
“Dear Bill Gates, there is an easy way to short Bitcoin,” he wrote on Twitter this Monday. Then, he also stated the Bitcoin futures that his cryptocurrency exchanged co-owned by his brother, Gemini, launched with the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). He quoted, “You can short XBT, the CBOE Bitcoin Futures contract, and put your money where your mouth is!”
Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss have turned billionaires overnight when the prices of Bitcoin started rapid upsurge and owing to the pros of being one of the earliest investors in this cryptocurrency, their present Bitcoin stash market value is approximately $1.15 billion.
The Winklevoss twins, who are well-known for suing Facebook, have also mentioned another Bitcoin critic, Warren Buffett. Buffett is also of the opinion that Bitcoin is a very risky as well an unproductive asset to have that possesses the possibility of coming to a very bad end. He said, “ I would rather invest in a less risky asset than put my money on a less productive cryptocurrency with high risks.”