The date for the US-China Blockchain Conference of 2018 has

The date for the US-China Blockchain Conference of 2018 has been set as 22nd August. The conference will be held at the Lax Marriott Hotel. The organizers include the Blockchain China Connect and Artisan Business Group Inc in partnership with the The only Sino-American event dealing with various aspects of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, this conference is being sponsored by decentralised peer-to-peer property exchange platform WONO and an exchange that uses a novel liquidity aggregation technology, LIQNET.
A large number of blockchain businessmen, crypto-miners, investors, mine operators, taxation executives and traders are expected to be a part of this conference which will serve as a great place for them to engage in peer-to-peer networking. They can also check out new options in partnership opportunities, finance, investment etc across country borders, including but not restricted to the US and China.
The speakers list has more than 25 names, for delving deep into issues like startup investment, bitcoin mining, SEC compliance etc. Some of these speakers are co-founder and MD Joe Rubin, Bitcoin Gold and Lightning ASIC founder Jack Liao,Verify Investor Co-founder Jor Law etc.
Naturally, the event will be covered by Chinese and Ametival media partners and these would include Bitcoin Chaser, ShenlianCaijing, ICO Buffer etc. It will see detailed discussions on the widely debated issues like the future of coins such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum etc as well about the ones like NEO, VeChain, EOS etc that have a huge following in China. Besides, the topics will range from attracting investors from China, ICO marketing, tax laws related to cryptocurrencies, US Regulations and their impact on various ICOs etc. Therefore, the conference is likely to be a very informative and enriching experience for all attendees looking to make it big in the crypto world.