Cryptocurrency is all the rage in the market right now

Cryptocurrency is all the rage in the market right now and it is interesting to notice how an increasing number of celebrities are slowly joining the bandwagon. Celebrities have such a massive number of social media following these days that it is extremely convenient for them to spread the word about cryptocurrency and get important people on board. Here are seven celebrities who joined the cryptocurrency revolution:
Lionel Messi, one of greatest footballers of all time, is a leading name in the football world and an international brand in his own right. He is currently the global brand ambassador for Sirin Labs, the developer of the blockchain-based secure smartphone and all-in-one PC.
His fellow teammate at Barcelona, Luis Suarez is also a cryptocurrency enthusiast. He invited his huge fan base to the Ethereum-based prediction market platform Stox, in order to make their predictions for the US Open.
Ashton Kutcher has been a longtime crypto enthusiast and has invested in some tech ventures himself. He is an investor at BitBay which is a cryptocurrency exchange, and his firm Sound Ventures is backing Unikrn, an eSports betting digital platform.
Another famous Hollywood name, Gywneth Paltrow, was impressed by the bitcoin-based wallet startup Abra’s pitch, on an episode of The Planet of the Apps. She is a part of their team now as an advisor and this might remind you of her role as the tech wiz Tony Stark’s wife, in Iron Man.
Remember the Winklevoss twins from the famous controversy surrounding Mark Zuckerberg, where they sued him over Facebook? They were the first official bitcoin billionaires as their $11 million bitcoin investment made in 2013 skyrocketed to $1 billion. They also founded Gemini, the digital currency exchange platform alongside some other investments in a bitcoin payment processor.