International Sky Group – An Unconventional Communication Platform

The 21st century is an era of development for the

International Sky Group – An Unconventional Communication Platform

The 21st century is an era of development for the global information society, where information infrastructure is one of the most critical factors responsible for this evolution. The rise of digitalization has encouraged many countries to focus on the advancement of info-communication technologies. While the progressions have been certainly notable, the voice and internet communication domain still deal with many challenges. The lack of accessibility, security issues, high costs, low data transfer speeds, etc. are some of the major pitfalls impacting its growth.

ISG- Strengthening the Global Communication Domain

International Sky Group (ISG) is an unconventional project that envisions to overcome the aforementioned challenges of the telecommunication sphere. It is a platform that allows people to access voice as well as internet communication in an easy and cost-effective manner. Some key features of this platform are : –

  • High-speed broadband
  • Low-orbit satellite
  • Hypersonic internet
  • Affordable rates
  • 100% earth coverage
  • Encrypted communication
  • Voice and multimedia communication for air subscribers
  • Development reserve

The Functioning of the ISG Platform

ISG platform has designed a ‘Satellite Communication System’ that is based on low-orbit communication satellite constellation. This system is capable of functioning together and individually with the present telecommunication network and offers high-speed information transfer. It also uses 98 satellites present on the low-Earth orbit that ensures a 100% coverage of the information surface of the ground. This notably reduces the communication service costs and improves accessibility across the globe.

Additionally, by the year 2021, conventional telecommunication service providers are planning to offer  2 Mbps data transmission speed per subscriber, but ISG aims to offer data transmission at 12 Mbps per user. The platform via its phase-code manipulated signals ensures reception and information transfer without any interruption in the data array. The platform also allows its users to connect their devices to a space vehicle in around 76 microseconds; the standard time consumed by other providers is 10 seconds.  In-flight users traveling up to 12,000 km/h will be provided with stable voice and multimedia communication without expensive access points.

Token Issuance

ISG token, an ERC-20 standard token is supported by major crypto-purses. The face value of every ISG token is defined in relation to the US dollar; at a parity of 1 ISG token per 1 USD. The token is first issued at the pre-sale stage also known as ‘Friends & Strategic Buyer.’ This takes place in the token sale that is reserved initially for people and companies as selected by the ISG team. The tokens are issued in the crowd-sale that continues for 3 months and is open for customers for a minimum amount equivalent of USD 100.

During the pre-sale token generation event, ISG platform offers various discounts in the following ways:–

  • First month – 50% discount
  • Second month – 35%
  • Third month – 20%
  • First and the second week of crowd sale – 10%
  • Third and fourth week of crowd sale – 5%
  • Tokens are offered at face value for the remainder of sale period

ISG Blockchain

ISG Blockchain uses IoT networks and implementation of Machine-to-Machine transactions. For verification of transactions, a mixed consensus algorithm is used by Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Authority. Transactional Validators within the Proof-of-Authority mechanism obtain a 2% fee in ISG tokens for all communication generated within ISG wallets. They also receive a 0.01% of the transaction amount that is executed from other wallets.

ISG – Making Voice and Internet Communication Accessible

ISG is a unique platform that envisions to transform the current telecommunication landscape by providing more efficiency and affordability to the common masses. The platform has a SCS system that offers multimedia communication services, thereby boosting the capacity of communication and allowing easy and cost-effective accessibility all around the globe.

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