Despite having its first figure approved in October, Uniswap Labs

Despite having its first figure approved in October, Uniswap Labs is facing issues with Apple’s App Store regarding its mobile portmanteau.
Uniswap Labs has plans to release a new tone- custodial mobile portmanteau that will offer druggies the capability to change on layer- 1 or layer- 2 networks without having to switch blockchain.
According to Uniswap Labs, the portmanteau will allow druggies to check price maps and search for any commemorative across colorful networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism. To ensure maximum security, Uniswap Labs worked with Trail of Bits for the inspection of the portmanteau. Also, the seed expressions and private keys of both imported and recently created holdalls will be translated and stored on bias using Apple’s Secure Enclave, which is barred from device backups. Uniswap also announced that druggies will be suitable to manually store their seed expressions with a paper dupe or cipher and store it on iCloud.
Despite having its first figure approved in October, Uniswap Labs has faced issues with Apple’s App Store regarding its mobile portmanteau. Although other tone- guardianship switching holdalls have been approved, the final figure of Uniswap’s mobile portmanteau was rejected by Apple just a few days before its planned December 2022 launch.
Uniswap Labs said that it responded to Apple’s enterprises, answered all its questions, and reiterated that it was biddable with its guidelines. However, Apple has still not greenlit the launch, and Uniswap Labs remains in limbo. As a result, it’s offering early access to a many thousand Testflight druggies while staying for Apple to authorize the launch.
Uniswap notes in its advertisement
“ Apple wo n’t green- light our launch and we do n’t know why. We’re stuck in limbo. ”
On Feb 6, Cointelegraph reported that members of the Uniswap community suggested in favor of planting Uniswap v3 on Boba Network’s layer- 2 protocol on Ethereum, which means that the Boba Network will be the sixth chain to emplace Uniswap v3. The move was backed by several realities, such as GFX Labs, Blockchain at Michigan, Gauntlet and ConsenSys.