BTC Wires: Blockchain is spreading its nodes in Turkey, and

BTC Wires: Blockchain is spreading its nodes in Turkey, and the most recent development supporting that progression is the establishment of the country’s first university-level blockchain center. It appears that Turkey has realised the vitality and potential of Blockchain tech and in order to reach a certain level of expertise, it is taking initiatives in the same directions. A news article confirm this was published in one of the country’s most favoured news platforms- Daily Sabah, on the third day of August.
This special centre for Blockchain and Innovation (BlockchainIST Center) has been inaugurated at Bahçeşehir University, in Istanbul. Erdamar emphasised on how Turkey has the potential of being a chief contributor in global technology and how it can help “transform humanity” by tapping the optimum utilisation of its resources. He also stressed on the crucial role that collaborations and cooperations play in the process, hence he probed about the merger of businesses, government institutions and educational establishments so as to be able in conducting blockchain researches with precision. In the words of Bora Erdamar, Director of Blockchain IST:
“This centre is going to be the most important center of research and development and innovation in Turkey in which scientific studies and publications are made in blockchain technologies.”
In the wake of several esteemed and prestigious academic institutions integrating Blockchain based courses to make the best use of Blockchain’s decentralisation factor, it’s likely that Turkey wants to ride the wave. News about Stanford University laying foundations of a centre for Blockchain Research in association with the Ethereum foundation have been flocking in recently. While at the same time, a Brazilian university has kicked things up a notch by introducing a Masters degree in Crypto-finance. Moreover, Ripple has reportedly funded 17 universities with donations amounting to $50 million, in order to support blockchain and cryptocurrency education.