Tommy Robinson Banned by Paypal, Looks to Bitcoin for the Alternative

Paypal has banned Tommy Robinson, a far-right wing reporter and

Tommy Robinson Banned by Paypal, Looks to Bitcoin for the Alternative

Paypal has banned Tommy Robinson, a far-right wing reporter and activist for not adhering to their user guidelines. The company took this step after a petition and 65000 signatures from different people. The company says Robinson violated  “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that are discriminatory.” policy.  The reporter did not take the ban quite well as it was evident from his Facebook post.

Also Read: How to buy Bitcoin using Paypal?

Robinson in his defence responded with a Facebook post, which said,

“Look at the PayPal Fascists, can’t even explain what exactly I have done that is not in line with their User agreement. They steal our funds for 6 months? Screw Paypal and the establishment if you still want to support me you can do so without Paypal at or using Bitcoin wallet 3MspPzwvsAwNHG2UsFMXzA6LVhHRqzajRc.”

Robinson and his troubles with Law & Order

The controversy created by Robinson was not an honest mistake from the reporter as controversies have marred him for quite some time. In May 2018 while reporting on Huddersfield grooming gang, a child-sex abuse ring racket, Robinson was jailed for ‘Breach of peace’. He was sentenced to a 13-month prison for violating the reporting guidelines provided by the judge. However, he got the bail in August repeal. His followers provided him with $26000 worth in Bitcoins to fight his legal battles.

Other People and organisations who have been Banned by PayPal

Tommy Robinson is not the first right-wing journalist to be banned by the Paypal. Last year, another right-wing news website Infowar and a social media platform for free speech, Gab were banned too. Paypal banned Wikileaks which was quite often in the news earlier in 2010 from using its services.

Most of these controversial figures and organisations have moved to Bitcoin for the alternative. Wikileaks is among the very first to be associated with the service.