Brave, the crypto-powered web browser has surpassed 5.5 million monthly

Brave, the crypto-powered web browser has surpassed 5.5 million monthly active users, according to an announcement made through the official Brave blog.
The blog post, published on last Sunday, included many other growth statistics and highlights of 2018. The professional team behind Brave took the chance to thank its users and partners for supporting the project.
With 1 million active users at the beginning of 2018, Brave has seen a phenomenal growth throughout the year. The team anticipates the same growth to continue in 2019, fueled by the release of Brave Ads and the new 1.0 version of the desktop browser.
The new Brave Ads feature is, at present, being tested and is designed to reward its users with BATs (Basic Attention Tokens) in exchange for sharing data and watching ads.
Through the blog post, Brave also shared other important milestones achieved in 2018. The new redesigned desktop Brave browser is 22% faster and has some amazing features, including Brave Rewards and support for more web extensions.
The new iOS version of Brave also observed major gains in the form of performance while the Android version surpassed 10 million downloads in August 2018.
The growth in verified publishers was considerable, which grew from 4,000 to now over 28,000. This was mainly because of Brave adding support for Twitch and YouTube, as a lot of content creators from such platforms signed up for Brave Rewards.
A new tipping functionality in Brave Rewards and a feature which lets content creators customize their tipping banners also helped with adoption.
The Brave team has made strives to improve the privacy of their browser. A new Research office opened in London in that regard, and Tor was integrated in the Private Windows of Brave.
This new office in London will be in charge of applying privacy innovations like SpeedReader, and AdGraph.