OxGames, a Cyprus-based multi-blockchain production studio announced that they will

OxGames, a Cyprus-based multi-blockchain production studio announced that they will be releasing a new game called OxWarrior in EOS. The game which is slated to be released later this year, is one of the first games to be powered by EOS cryptocurrency, and to have integrated multiple blockchains. Presale for the same opens on November 6, while the game will be release by the end of this year.
Studio founder Sergey Kopov has plans to incorporate other cryptocurrencies, even if it will be released on just EOS for now. He said,
“Our team believes the technology has great advantages and is very flexible…We are planning to connect Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies in the coming months.”
This comes right after the huge success of Ethereum OxUniverse which was released this June, which allows players to build spaceships, explore the cosmos and colonize distant worlds.
OxWarriors are now looking to unite players across several different ecosystems.
According to the press release, the game is home to “thousands” of digital collectibles, each of which can be sold on the market for a higher price.
Their press release says that the game is supposed to be home for digital collectibles, which can then be sold
“Items fall into one of four categories: common, rare, epic or legendary… And players can expect frequent returns on the amount they originally paid, with most valuable items potentially fetching their owners over 10 thousand dollars.”