As per a press release dated December 6th, Neufund, a

As per a press release dated December 6th, Neufund, a platform, which works with enhancing real-world assets with legally enforceable security tokens, has collaborated with Ledger, a France based manufacturer of hardware wallets for cryptocurrencies, in order to launch an extremely secure blockchain platform which will allow users to manage their real-world security tokens.
This partnership promises to be an end to end solution for the tokenization of securities, where both teams will work in tandem to develop a strong framework for the management of security tokens.
Security tokens are basically digital assets that are backed by real assets such as artworks, shares, bonds, etc. Holders of such tokens get paid on the basis of the performance of their underlying assets.
Experts of the cryptosphere are of the opinion that STOs, which are gaining ground at a tremendous rate, may soon replace Initial Coin Offerings. It is with such a future in mind that Neufund and Ledger are looking to build a highly functional and safe security tokens framework so as to make life easier for investors.
Ledger, earlier in 2018 had launched a user-friendly desktop application, Ledger Live in order to ensure that clients can manage up to 712 digital assets in real-time without any trouble. Ledger now has reportedly given out indications that it is working on adding support for ERC-20 tokens in its Ledger Live desktop app which will also allow users to manage all security tokens issued via Neufund.
Zoe Adamovicz, CEO of Neufund, noted that,
“At current, Ledger’s hardware wallets are the most secure way to set up and manage investments conducted through Neufund’s set of protocols. Enabling big investors to manage their ERC-20 based equity tokens straight from a desktop app will disrupt the way we interact with our digital assets.”
If everything goes according to plan, both companies have expressed interest in organizing an open legal-technical hackathon in Paris. This will be facilitating many to come up with better ideas on how to manage tokenized real-world assets.