Australia’s 200 years old post office is fuelling Bitcoin adoption

Australia’s 200 years old post office is fuelling Bitcoin adoption for its massive customer base. The post office has over 11 million users. After the step taken by the post office, now Australians will be able to use Digital iD to get onto the cryptocurrency exchange within a few minutes.
Australian post office has started to offer a new digital identity service which is known as Digital iD. The Digital iD can legally be used in the process of signing up the application to local Bitcoin exchanges. Digital iD will make the process of verification on the crypto exchanges painless and quick. Now the users do not need to upload selfies and other documents for the verification. Digital Surge, a Brisbane based Bitcoin exchange became the first Bitcoin business to adopt Digital iD. Cameron Gough, the general manager of Digital iD, said that:
“Digital iD gives people more control over the personal data they share with organizations. For example, most people hand over their driver’s license to prove they can legally go to a bar, but all that is needed is a name and birth date – not that information plus your full residential address.”
The Keypass in Digital iD has the capacities to prove who you are in person. To use the Digital iD, the users have to download the Digital iD app and verify the personal details. As the company is continually growing its reach so, the users will find more and more avenues where they will be able to use the Digital iD for verification purpose. The Digital iD can also be used for online transactions. The company is claiming that in the near future an increasing number of websites will adopt Digital iD. While making transactions online, the users should look out for the option to verify your digital identity with Digital iD. The users can also send their verified identity details to the organisation they are dealing with. The Digital iD can be used again and again. Whenever the users have to authenticate themselves online, they have to choose the Digital iD option, log in, and apply completed Digital iD and it’s done.
Australia is known for adopting advanced technologies in the field of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. The country is continually experimenting with the technology and looking forward to becoming a leader in the crypto sphere.