In past some years, blockchain technology has gained popularity. Initially,

In past some years, blockchain technology has gained popularity. Initially, blockchain was started as a decentralized payment network, but now it has morphed into a decentralized supercomputer where developers from any corner of the world can create their own software applications. In today’s post, we are going to present The Best Blockchain Development Tools You Should Know.
Blockchain Development Tools
Let’s have a look at the best blockchain development tools which are useful for Ethereum as well as Bitcoin.
Mist is a popular browser for decentralized web apps. It is just like Chrome or Firefox. Chrome and Firefox are for the Web 2.0 while Mist is for decentralized Web 3.0. You can use it to store Ether, send transactions, and deploy smart contracts. The native Mist application can also be used to develop dApps on Ethereum blockchain or its testnet. Know more about dApps with our previous post What Is dApps (Decentralised Apps)? Mist is the official wallet for Ethereum which is developed by the people who created Ethereum. It is a full node wallet which means you have to download the entire Ethereum blockchain which is over 1TB. Mist can be used for Windows 32- and 64-bit, Linux 32- and 64-bit, and Mac.
It is a program which acts as a node of the Ethereum blockchain. In other words, it is an implementation of an Ethereum node on the Go programming language. Check our post What is ETHEREUM? to know more about Ethereum. With the help of Geth users can do:Create Smart contracts and execute them on the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- Mine Ether tokens
- Transfer tokens
- Explore the block history
Geth can be used for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
It is a great compiler which is used for smart contracts. To learn the solidity, Remix is the best thing. The remix is written in Javascript and supports testing, debugging, and deploying of smart contracts. The code analyzer of Remix makes sure that the developers write their best code. It connects Ethereum blockchain through Metamask.
Solidity is a loosely typed language which has syntax similar to ECMAScript which is used for the creation of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Know more about smart contracts with our post, Blockchain Smart Contracts. Solc is used to convert the solidity script in a format which can be read easily by the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Solc is also known as solidity compiler. There are two kinds of Solc compilers
- Solc: It is coded in C++
- Solc-js: It uses Emscripten to cross-compile from the Solc C++ source code to JavaScript
Though they are built from almost the same source code but they give slightly different results. The solidity compiler which is built on JavaScript allows for some exciting applications.
Blockchain Testnet
While writing programs for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) there are certain things which must be considered such as
- You have to pay for launch and gas usage. The huge gas usage cost in Ethereum is a big issue. Before starting, decide whether you want to spend that much money on a project which you have not even tested out yet.
- An untested program may have some bug in its code which can cause havoc to Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum blockchain is immutable which means whatever happened to the blockchain it will become permanent and cannot be undone.That is why it is suggested to test out the dApp in a testnet before deploying it on the mainnet. Testnets are the copies of Ethereum blockchain which are almost identical to the Mainnet. There is only one difference that on the testnet Ether is worthless.
These were some blockchain development tools which can help you immensely to develop blockchain web apps.