Americans are known to lead the world in wasting food.

Americans are known to lead the world in wasting food. American consumers waste about 133 billion pounds of food, which is an unfathomable amount of food wasted every year.
Goodr, a sustainable surplus food waste management company that is leveraging technology to reduce waste to combat hunger is now helping in food waste reduction using Blockchain technology. The company aims to provide a triple-win situation – provide tax deductions, reduce landfills and greenhouse emissions and use food waste to reduce hunger.
The company uses an app to connect business with local charities to facilitate deliveries of leftover food. Apart from fighting poverty and hunger, the leftover food also raises a serious concern about landfills and methane emission. The Natural Resources Defense Council released data suggesting about $ 218 million dollars per year being spent on production, transportation, and removal of uneaten food.
Goodr has been working consistently since January 2017 in connecting hotels and eateries in Atlanta to various local charities through their app for the leftover food to be duly consumed.
Goodr’s Founder and CEO, Jasmine Crowe told the CNBC’s “power lunch” that businesses can schedule pickups and deliveries of leftover food. They can also get information about the type of food waste they’re producing and how they can reduce it.
The Blockchain technology will maintain a data ledger that will determine businesses on how much food they are wasting and how much money they lose in the process. The business houses can confirm the company when they have excess food by means of their app and arrange to be delivered to non-profit organizations. All the tracking can be done efficiently via the app.
Goodr charges the business houses for the waste management system but the charities receive all the food for free.
Crowe has a background of working as an independent philanthropy consultant, helping donate food to local homeless shelters.